Talk Derby to Me!

The return of Talk Derby to Me! We will be doing our annual Kentucky Derby Pub Crawl on May 7th in Westmont! There will be 4 locations starting at 1:48 pm and we will move location at each Post Time until our final location to watch the Kentucky Derby! (2:40, 3:31, and 4:27).
Locations will be announced soon! AND….we will once again be placing bets! You will be able to go on our website and bet on your horses running in the Kentucky Derby! From the proceeds, we will split the pot with half going to our CPHC charities and half going to the winner or winners!
Stay tuned for more details and route information and start getting your Derby best ready to wear! See you on Derby Day for some Derby Pie and Mint Julips! [image: Copy of White Kentucky Derby Party Instagram Image.jpg]

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