Captains Log – January 20, 2021

Entry: One hundred forty-fifth
Avast and make way Ye scurvy dogs! The Crew has met and we be making plans to move into 2021 with a vengeance! 2020 may have held us back and we miss our fellow mates, but this time we are prepared! We expect the doldrums to continue, but with increased vaccines and changes in attitudes, hopefully it will change our latitude and get us back to our home port.
Expect a lot of information across the coconut telegraph. We welcome assistants to the Crew and new ideas as we prepare to send aid as best we can, gather doubloons and items for the needy, and ways to stay in touch while far apart.
As Summer comes, we shall raise a flagon in person, we hope, but until then…we raise them from afar and hold the black flag ready to be unfurled. Me may be walking the decks alone, but you are all in our thoughts as we prepare to set sail again.
Billy Brehm, the Pirate King

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