2022 Chicago Parrothead Elections

Chicago Parrothead Club Elections 2022
2022 will be an interesting year! Lots of moving parts and time for members to step in and make a difference in our amazing club! As a reminder, we have roles and positions, but we work as a TEAM! No one works on only their portion, we share and delegate, and make group decisions. Family comes first and the Crew cannot possibly attend everything we plan. Knowing this, consider yourself to be a leader and join the phun. It is worth every second, and I can say I have enjoyed every step of the way!
Here are the rules!
Any member of CPHC shall have the opportunity to submit to the Election officer a nomination for consideration of office. Applicants must comply with the following requirements:
I. Applicant must be a member in good standing.
II. Applicant must have been a member of CPHC for six (6) full months prior to nomination for his/her position.
III. Applicant must submit their nomination for consideration to the Election Officer by mail, email, or in person to the club address of record or to the elections Officer no later than the third Wednesday of September or in person at the General Business meeting.
Nominations by the candidates must be turned in to our Elections Officer, Mike Hardesty, either in person or by email to elections@chicasgoparrotheads.com
Positions for election for a 2 year term 2022 – 2024!
Charity Director
Communications Director
Positions to be filled by Appointment for the reminder of the term until 2023!
Social Director
Any unfilled position can be filled by appointment for the remainder of the term until the next election for said position!

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